• Call: +234-809-589-3000
  • Email: info@crestaid.com
Rural Prosperity & Mitigating Climate Change
Reliable, Affordable Solar Power

Poverty Alleviation & Employment Fuel savings and greater productivity help to increase income. Existing and new businesses can expand and thrive, creating jobs and stimulating rural economic development.
Health Avoiding the burning of kerosene and diesel indoors reduces the incidence of respiratory diseases.
Gender Equity Reduction of drudgery, job creation and increase in disposable income are fundamental to empowering women.
Climate Change Replacing fossil fuels with clean energy reduces GHG emissions.

What kind of waste do solar panels emit

None. They produce renewable energy and are environmentally friendly. Our Solar panels exceed industry standards for durability and lifespan.

Can there be over-heating problems with the solar panels
Is solar panels truely the cleanest source of energy

We can say with 100% confidence, that solar panels are the cleanest and most reliable source of energy worldwide.

The specific tasks involved require cooperation of many different experts such as architects, civil engineers and PV system designers to achieve interesting architectural visual effects.