• Call: +234-809-589-3000
  • Email: info@crestaid.com
Community Solar Pumps
Community Solar Pumps

We also install and operate community solar pumping systems, eliminating the the upfront cost barrier for the vast majority of BoP farmers who cannot afford to buy an individual solar pump, even with government subsidies.
CrestAid's solar pumps provide water as a service to small and marginal farmers so they can affordably irrigate year-round.
Training on efficient agricultural practices helps them intensify and diversify their crops, increasing farm productivity per hectare and therefore income, while improving food security and increasing farmers resilience to droughts and climate change.

What kind of waste do solar panels emit & how does it affect Farming

None. They produce renewable energy and are environmentally friendly. Our Solar panels exceed industry standards for durability and lifespan.

Can there be over-heating problems with the solar panels
Is solar panels truely the cleanest source of energy

We can say with 100% confidence, that solar panels are the cleanest and most reliable source of energy worldwide.